Top Rafting Trips in Ecuador
Napo River Rafting

The following are the most frequently visited rivers for rafting. Ecuador has more river density than any other country in the world. In one area, you can find rivers ranging from class one to six. The water route originates in the Andean highlands, where tiny streams form and flow down to the west Amazon basin and the east Pacific coast.
The rivers we visit are easily accessible, have clean water and a mild climate, making them perfect for rafting.

Moderate. Medium-quick water; rapids with regular waves; clear and open passages between rocks and ledges. Maneuvering required. Best handled by intermediates who can maneuver canoes and read water.

Rafting Class II

Anzu & Napo River

The Anzu is a tributary of the Napo River and is one of the main tributaries of the mighty Amazon River. After the class 3 section, it comes to a calmer part of class II rapids. On the way, you can enjoy the view of the Amazon Basin and different geological formations. This trip is perfect for families and kids; we eat a delicious box lunch with fruits and drinks on the way.

Mulaute River

The Mulaute River is at the end of the cloud forest on the western Andean slopes. The Mulaute is a beautiful calm class 2+ river, with green water, and fantastic scenery. This is the perfect add-on to your Mindo Adventure trip or on the way to the beach, and it is great for friends, families, and kids.

Moderately difficult. Numerous high and irregular waves; rocks and eddies with passages clear but narrow and requiring experience to run.

Rafting Class III:

Jatunyacu River

The Jatunyacu Class 3 and 3+ river is one of the favorites in Ecuador, The location is in a pristine area at the end of the Llanganates National Park, and the water comes from the glacier of the Cotopaxi Volcano. At the headquarters, you can see the end of the cloud forest and the start of the Amazon Basin; in this area, you can spot many birds from the raft. Also, you will pass by impressive rapids with beautiful landscapes and green water while you go down. Depending on the level of the river, the waves can be as big as a house; on the way, you will pass by several Quichua Communities where they used to be fishing or washing for Gold.

Toachi and Blanco Rivers

The Toachi and Blanco Rivers are located at the western Andes slopes. This trip has become our most popular rafting trip because its difficulty fits perfectly for experienced rafters or beginners. The incredible scenery along the way is a plus to make a memorable day full of adrenaline you will never forget! Class II-III+ River.

Long and powerful rapids and standing waves; souse holes and boiling eddies. Powerful and precise maneuvering required. Visual inspection is mandatory.

Rafting Class IV:

Quijos River

The Quijos River is in the eastern Andean slopes, in the area of Baeza and EL Chaco. The World Rafting Championship was held here in 2005, and it’s a continuous class 4 river, powerful and beautiful.
The section on Linares Canyon is the class 4, 4+. The season to run this River is from October to March in the Jungle summer. Suitable for adults with basic swimming skills.

Jondachi – Hollin River

The Jondachi is in the Jungle side of the Andes. It’s a warm river, a little steep at the beginning until you meet the Hollin, then becomes a world-class river rafting with solid class IV rapids. Beautiful waterfalls, forests, and otters surround the river, and in the end, you can find Petroglifos from ancient civilizations that populated the area.

barefoot rafting ecuador

Recommended by:

internationa rafting federation

Barefoot Expeditions is recommended by the International Rafting Federation for rafting trips in Ecuador.

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